Pattern 1 You should ~
Pattern 2 You look like ~
Pattern 3 You make me ~
Pattern 4 You look ~
Pattern 5 You have to ~
Pattern 6 You should have p.p. ~
You should take the medicine, Monk. 약 먹어요, 몽크.
You should keep your words. 약속을 지키세요.
You should forgive him. 그 남자를 용서하세요.
You should see a doctor. 병원에 가보세요.
You should take more exercise. 운동을 좀 더 해보세요.
Wow, you look like an angel! 우와, 당신은 천사 같아요!
You look like your mother. 당신은 당신의 어머니를 닮았어요.
You look like an angel / a devil. 당신은 천사 / 악마 같아요.
You look like someone I know. 당신은 내가 아는 사람과 닮았어요.
You make me so happy. 당신 때문에 정말 행복해요.
You make me sick. 당신 때문에 토할 것 같아요.
You make me angry. 당신 때문에 화가 나요.
You make me feel so young. 당신 때문에 무척 젊어진 느낌이에요.
You make me want to be a better man / woman. 당신 때문에 더 나은 남자가 / 여자가 되고 싶어져요.
You look different today. 당신 오늘 좀 달라 보이네요.
You look wonderful tonight. 당신 오늘 밤 아주 멋져 보이는데요.
You look good / wonderful in that dress. 그 드레스 입으니까 멋있어 보이네요.
You look serious today. 당신 오늘 심각해 보이네요.
Sorry, you have to be here for a while. 미안하지만, 당신은 당분간 여기 있어야만 해요.
You have to work late tonight. 당신은 오늘 꼭 야근해야 돼요.
You have to pay taxes. 당신은 꼭 세금을 내야 해요.
You have to see it for yourself. 당신이 꼭 직접 그걸 봐야 돼요.
You have to learn how to do things on your own. 당신 스스로 문제를 해결하는 법을 꼭 배워야 해요.
So, you should have been nicer to Angela! 그러니까 앤젤라한테 좀 더 친절했어야죠!
You should have listened to me. 내 말을 들었어야죠.
You should have trusted me. 날 믿었어야죠.
You should have been nicer. 좀 더 친절했어야죠.
You should have asked him first. 그 남자에게 먼저 물어봤어야죠.
Ugh, you make me feel so bad!
으, 당신 때문에 기분 상했어요!

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