2021. 6. 3.
[글로비쉬,동사] 16. I can’t connect you with him because he’s in a meeting.
16차시 I can’t connect you with him because he’s in a meeting. 협력의 연결이나 협력의 의미를 말하고 싶을 때 Today’s Words: connect, tie, unite, cooperate, combine, guarantee, remain, serve, ally, add connect 연결하다 I’d like to speak to Mr. Kim. 김 선생님과 통화하고 싶은데요. Sorry. I can’t connect you with him because he’s in a meeting. 죄송하지만 회의 중이시라 연결해 드릴 수가 없네요. I’d like to speak to Mr. Kim. 김 선생님과 통화하고 싶은데요. I can’t connect th..