Come after me. 제뒤에오세요.
I’ll meet him the day after tomorrow. 내일모레만나겠다.
I’ll see you at ten after five. 5시10분에만나겠다.
I saw him after three hours. 세시간후에만났다.
I’m sorry. I can’t come after all. 미안하다. 결국못오겠어.
I expected to fail the exam, but I passed after all.
age limit 연령제한 / under age 미성년
Act your age! 나이답게행동해.
He is thirty years old. 그는30세이다.
When I was your age I was working. 내가댁의나이때는일을했지.
The two boys are the same age. 두소년은동갑이다.
She’s the same age as me. 그녀는나와동갑이다.
Department of aging 노인국(局)
I haven’t been to the dentist for ages.

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