
There is no air tonight. 오늘밤은바람한점없다.
Air the room, please. 공기를바꾸어라(환기시켜라).
I ain’t gonna do it. 나는그럴생각이없다.
You ain’t gonna do it. 그렇게하지않겠지.
alarm clock 자명종 / a fire alarm 화재경보
We all alarmed at the news. 우리모두는그소식을접하고경악했다.
all (the) night 밤새도록 / all the way 끝까지
all over the world 세계도처에
We are all happy. = All of us are happy. 우리는모두행복하다.
I’ll take all three shirts, please. 세벌셔츠를모두갖겠습니다.
All that matters is to be happy. 문제되는것은행복해지려는것뿐이야.
I gave her all she asked for. 나는그녀가원하는것을모두주었다.
That’s all. 그게다야. / You’re all wet. 흠뻑젖었군.
I was all alone. 나혼자였다.
I looked all around, but I couldn’t see anything.
It’s all because of you. 이게모두네탓이야.
All I want is a place to sit down. 앉을자리만있으면좋겠어.
She invited all of you. 그녀는당신들모두를초청했다.

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